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Approximately 1 in 4 people today
lack modern fuel
to cook food.

We are working to change that.


1 solar cooker preserves more 

than 1 ton of wood every year.

Solar cooking builds a foundation for our future

Solar cooking saves people and the environment.

With solar cooking, women and children breathe cleaner air, save trees and soil, save money for food and education, and stay safe from violence. Solar cooking improves the quality of life and provides a way to adapt to a changing world.

Indoor air pollution kills 1,250 children under age 5 daily. 

You can change a life and help build resilience in our changing world.

Your gift to Solar Cookers International (SCI) today helps improve the lives of generations of children.

Work with us

Approximately 2.1 billion people cook with polluting fuels and look for a way out of energy poverty. You can be part of the solar cooking solution.

SCI is the world’s leading advocate and resource for solar cooking solutions. SCI links collaborators in communities, NGOs and agencies in 135+ countries. Make a difference and:

Supporters and Collaborators