Why Solar Cooking

3 in 7 people lack sustainable fuel to cook meals and make water safe to drink.

This is a cooking crisis. And it doesn’t have to be this way.

People who harness free solar energy for cooking breathe cleaner air, drink safe water, and preserve the environment.

Approximately 2.1 billion people cook over wood, animal waste, or charcoal fires. They breathe in smoke and soot for hours every day. And more rely on expensive, unsustainable fossil fuels. 

No-emission solar energy to cooking and make drinking water safe improves health, builds resilient families, breaks the cycle of poverty, boosts local economies, empowers women and children, and helps achieve all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

You can help solar cooking change everything.

Why Solar Cooking is Important

Solar cooking helps reduce the high social, economic, and environmental costs of black soot and fossil fuel emissions that impact all humans and environments today.

Up to 1.3 billion USD = potential global cash saved by reducing COemissions with solar cookers

SCI influences changes in policy, practice, and research that result in an increased adoption of solar cooking worldwide.

