SCI share successes at the ReEnergy Africa E-Summit
SCI's Executive Director Caitlyn Hughes had the pleasure of speaking at the Success Stories session at the ReEnergy Africa E-Summit which was held virtually on October 23rd, 2020. Caitlyn discussed the impact of solar cooking around the world and shared success stories from Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya. Thank you to SCI supporters, who make these success stories, and the sharing of them, possible.
The ReEnergy Africa Conference & Expo's aim is to aggregate a diverse group of energy professionals and stakeholders for the purpose of taking stock of progress, and assessing current milestones towards the implementation of the UN SDG Goal 7 (Affordable & Clean Energy), with the ultimate goal of ensuring a focused and steady march towards the achievement of access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern clear energy for Africa. Click on the image below to watch the video.
To watch more of the sessions from the ReEnergy Africa Conference please click here.
To support this important work, please click here.