
Why I joined SCI’s legacy circle

4:41 PM on Oct 23, 2018



Speaking at SCI's 30th anniversary event allowed me to meet many of SCI’s influential founders.  I am privileged and honored to work for an organization that has such a strong history of success.  I am honored to carry that trend forward to help positively shape people’s lives and our planet with healthy ways of cooking. 

I hope that in the next 30 years or less, everyone on this planet has a clean, sustainable way to cook and eat.  However, just in case that hasn’t happened yet, I want both my present actions, and what is made possible when I am no longer physically present on this planet, to be a strong reflection of my priorities, my values, and my commitment to make things better.   

I am inspired by California’s recent decision that 100% of it’s energy will be renewable by 2045.  This realization, combined with action to protect our future, is exactly what is needed.  That’s why I joined SCI’s legacy circle.  What better way to think about my passing, then to think about my values continuing to be enacted, honored, and worked towards.   

It was easy to designate SCI as a beneficiary on one of my accounts. 

Better yet, tell us when it’s done, so we can thank you for making a difference in the future.  

-Caitlyn Hughes, Executive Director