A special message from Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya…
Thanks to you, Solar Cookers International was able to bring solar cooking technologies and training to benefit more than 350 people in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya in March of 2019.
Aloyse and Mediatrice are two of those new solar cooks.
Because of your support, Mediatrice can now stay close to the safety of her home and use the free energy of the sun to cook. With the money they save on charcoal, Mediatrice and Aloyse can buy their baby boy clothes, medicine, and better food. They can breathe fresher air and drink cleaner water.
Thank you from SCI and from solar cooks around the world.
Read more about the new solar cooks in Kakuma in our Summer 2019 Newsletter here.
Want more insight into our work in Kakuma? Read the travel journal of SCI’s Science Director, Alan Bigelow, Ph.D., here.
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